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Under Construction

I started this blog and have waited for the right time to jump in...I hope to be changing around this page a bit and being more purposeful.

See you soon!

2013 - 2014 School Year

2013-2014 School Year

I love planning for a new school year. Excitement is high and new ideas are rolling around in my mind. We have a schedule to guide us and some is structured some is unstructured. I have a background as an elementary school teacher and I'm sure that has some influence on my methods, however, for me it is a journey of learning and discovering what is best for our family. I am new at homeschooling and am excited about where the Holy Spirit will lead this and how it will transform over the years.

A Tool for Sibling Conflict Resolution with Young Children

There is so much I want to share about this journey called parenting. But I thought it would be helpful to start with a little tool. I have learned, however, there is a danger in relying so much on tools that there is a lack of freedom and empowerment to be led by the Spirit. I think of this as a tool in my toolbox and I give the Lord full permission to move it aside. 

Sometimes as a parent we end up putting on the "referee hat". Someone took a toy, a child was too rough, the list goes on and on. I believe this is one of the largest sources of energy drain for parents. They feel the need to police every sin, solve the problems, and set the children straight. A lot of the time, that is being done against the child's will. The parent is exhausted, the problem seems solved, but no hearts were changed in the process and relationships are violated. I started to think about what I really wanted my children to learn in those situations. It's most often not the time for formative instruction. The time for teaching them a biblical worldview and instructing them is not always when faces are red and agitations high!   The children are at their worst and in their highest emotional state, not good soil for planting seeds. Sometimes the opportunity will come soon after the resolution, but you can be sensitive to the Lord on that.

A Parenting Journey

I have considered blogging about the parenting journey the Lord has taken me on the last few months. However, at this time, I'm going to simply present a catalyst that may lead you to your own journey. I feel it is valuable to look at our core beliefs and paradigms now and again. If we find them lacking, it gives room for the Holy Spirit to bring transformation. If we find them sound, it gives us the peace and confidence to continue on the path we are going.

There is never one journey that will line up perfectly with another. It is helpful to listen to others, gain wisdom, and ideas, however, we have to make it our own. We have to have the Holy Spirit. It's not cookie cutter.

Mother Daughter

I am so thankful for my sweet little 4 year old daughter. Of course we have our challenges..good days and bad days... but my heart's desire is to deeply cultivate that relationship. It seemed much easier when she was my only child. Now with two brothers close behind, my time and energy is divided. So I have found that I must be purposeful or the day flies by all too quickly without a chance for "just us girls". I was searching the internet one day for a special book that just the two of us could share and I stumbled upon this:

Remember (the Jesse Tree Tradition)


This is such an important word. God knows we need it. He encourages us to do it. He taught His people how. There were feasts, altars, traditions, and much more. God knows our tendency to forget. It's more than "Mommy Brain" that seems to follow me after every birth. It's a forgetfulness that runs deeper than the location of my car keys; it's the state of my heart. It's true...every day is new. I need Jesus every day. I need to walk in His Spirit every day. I need His Words every day.

Trade Your Carpet for Tile

As I was doing a much needed sweep of our master bathroom today, my mind wandered to dirty floors. In our old we house had a lot of tile. Most of the house was covered in a light beige tile. On the plus side, the dirt can't hide. The con side is that the dirt can't hide... and I had to clean it all the time! After our recent move, we are now living in a home covered with carpet. We still have the same four hairy pets and the same three not-so-tidy children, but I don't seem to vacuum as often as I swept and mopped our old house's floor. I just don't "see" the dirt so it doesn't cross my mind to remove it.

The Gaps

One morning, I read the story of Paul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus with my children (from the Jesus Storybook Bible pictured here, which I will review at a later time).  As I read the story, Nora's eyes started to light up. I could tell something was clicking in her mind. "Mommy! The Saul in the Old Testament and the Saul in the New Testament are not the same person!" All those times we played "Saul chasing David" she thought were somehow connected to Paul. The king that turned away from God was also the Paul who gave his whole life to preaching the gospel. How confusing! Of course, my four-year-old didn't lose sleep over it. When she said that, it started a trail of thoughts about "the gaps". I think it crosses almost every parent or homeschooler's mind. What about the gaps?

Who I Am

 Hi, I'm Liza.

 I remember the day when I really got it. When I could really answer the question "Who am I?".  I admit that I will always be a "work in progress", but now I am progressing in the right direction. I know the right answer, we all do. But it's something completely different when that head knowledge travels down to your heart, starts renewing your mind, and transforming your life. Who am I? My identity is found in Christ. My identity is found in what He says about me. Take a moment to look at a wonderful LIST of truths from prayertoday.org. With that as a foundation, I want to let you in on some of the many facets of my life. 

How will they know?

Staying home with our children is a privilege and a blessing. Of course, it can also be exhausting! Can you relate to Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Do Everything"? It's easy to get caught up in the endless cycle of cook, clean, change diapers...repeat! I have those days. I have really tired days and I have days where I feel there is nothing left to give and bedtime can't come soon enough.

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