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2013 - 2014 School Year

2013-2014 School Year

I love planning for a new school year. Excitement is high and new ideas are rolling around in my mind. We have a schedule to guide us and some is structured some is unstructured. I have a background as an elementary school teacher and I'm sure that has some influence on my methods, however, for me it is a journey of learning and discovering what is best for our family. I am new at homeschooling and am excited about where the Holy Spirit will lead this and how it will transform over the years.

Here is a snapshot of our day and some of our resources.
Nora Summary for Kindergarten

Morning (mostly) independent work:
**We do not do all of these every day but this is what I will draw from**
Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting (as needed)
Language & Phonics: Abeka Language 2, Abeka Letters and Sounds 2
Math: Singapore: Primary Mathematics 1A & 1B
Bible/Devotion: Polished Cornerstones, Bible Study, and more
Project work: Delight Directed and Project Based Learnng*
*The heart of nurturing that spark and love for learning by following the curiosities of the child. More on this at another time.

Together time:
Reading: Great literature! Some ideas coming from this link. I will use lapbooks, oral narration, written narration, FRI strategies, and again more eclectic resources. I have the ABeka grade two reading books as well to integrate here. 
Homemade notebooks: spelling, vocab, and writing as needed when not already integrated in the rest of what we do.
Bible/Family Worship: Bible reading, Devotions, Prayer, Memory Verses, Worship, etc.
- There are many topics and resources that we will use throughout the year, this will be the way we start out our school day together. I will write a post on this later.  
Calendar Time: Will post a picture of my board and the kid's notebooks soon.
History and more!: Tapestry of Grace Year 1
Foreign Language: Spanish (songs and phrases)
Homesteading: Led by Daddy one day per/week, nature study included here
Read Alouds

Weekly and As Needed:
Poetry: A child's Garden of Verses (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Art: Art for the Fun of it, Drawing with Children
Tea Parties with Mommy: We will be using Precious Moments "Book of Manners for Girls" as a jumping off point for some of these this school year.
What's in the Bible? DVD series

Tobin Summary for 3 year old Preschool

Tobin will tag along with some as listed above. In addition he will be completing the following: 
Reading: Hooked on Phonics (finish from last year) + Mommy made reading curriculum (weekly and Biweekly book units, possibly some coming from Five in a Row)
Math: Various workbooks that and Mommy made hands on activities
Handwriting: Abeka K4 
Project based/ Delight Directed Learning: Wherever Tobin's heart goes!

Enoch Summary for Tot School
Enoch will join us in as much as he is able. He will play with toys, read books with Mommy, explore, and will occasionally watch "Your Baby Can Read" and "The Letter Factory". 

I hope this gives a little glimpse into the coming school year and all the fun that is in store for us! We plan to start on August 5 after we get our home school room put together.


Unknown said...

Looks like it will be a very full year for them. *smiles*

Have you figured out the issue w/your blog? Do you need help getting things set up again?

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